Hello there, fellow yarn pirates.
I am new to the crochet blogging, but not to the blogosphere. I thought it would be super cool if I shared some of my knowledge and neato pictures with you, so here we are.
Firstly, I am a lefty crocheter, which made charts in patterns a nightmare for me when I started. If there are any of you out there, I suggest scanning the pattern and making a mirror image of it on your computer. If you are a mac user and lazy like I can be, open photo booth and take a picture of the pattern, because it automatically flips it for you.
Anywho, on to the yarnyness.
So I'm currently working on an alchemy request for my etsy shop that I'm super excited about. It's a custom silk/bamboo shrug for a bride to wear over her dress. If it turns out well, I'll post some pictures. If it doesn't, I will hide it under my couch and deny it's existence. But I think it will be the former. I also made myself a kokeshi doll on a whim, and took a picture of it with my phone, which is why it's all nice and blurry. She turned out to be very simple to make, and I may post the pattern in my shop in the near future. Woo!
Thanks for the brief tagalong, and I will be posting again soon!