Last week brought all kinds of good news- getting into Craft Lake City, welcoming a new sister-in-law into the family, and seeing my local exposure blow up.
Do you ever feel like you can't crochet fast enough, like every stitch takes five minutes and creates ten knots and your blood pressure goes through the roof and you just want to crawl under the coffee table with the cat and be still for a while?
Oh, that's just me? Alright then.
I've been trying to make my midsummer mad dash more fun by having a theme for each day. Friday was unicorns and watching Legend. Saturday was gnomes and Labyrinth. Sunday was owls and Bones. Okay, so the last two didn't really go together, but you get the drift. Last year, I tried to spread out things, so I didn't get tired of making elephants, for example, but I think that made me too scattered. This summer the goal is to bust out a bunch of each item at once, then move on. So far, it's working well...except for the whole "can't crochet fast enough" thing.
It will all work out, and all be worth it, and you will be so amazed by my stuff that you'll want to jump for joy!