Monday, April 18, 2011

New Directions

I've been applying for the next round of craft shows, and one in particular is sticking in my craw. This one has turned me down, saying my stuff isn't unique enough. That really bugs me. Who got to decide what was unique? If it was something a bit more constructive, like "we already have seven crocheters" or "we're not into jellyfish" that I could understand. The way I was turned down just makes me cross-eyed. Uniqueness, or lack thereof, has been decided by a committee.

So, on that note, I'm shifting gears in my crochet journey. I've been working on and off on a book, I've FINALLY discovered how to take better pictures for my Etsy shop, and I have some delicious ideas for some new patterns. In short, I'm realizing I need to stop gauging my success by whether or not I get into craft shows.

So I sat down and made a unicorn. Unicorns make everything better, right?

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