This is what is spent my day "off" doing. Let it be known that, while I don't follow the sportsball, I do know who the Cowboys are. But when my aunt asked me to make her three Tony Romos, I wondered why she wanted a steakhouse owner as a doll. Um.... that would be Roma...
Anywho, here they are, non-threatening crocheted fooseball players.
I went on a little craft store binge and bought a bunch of stuff to make pillbox hats. Why I did this now, I don't know. I still have to make two baby presents, two new, original contest entries, and start building up stock again for the next craft show. And what am I doing? Sitting on the couch with a lap full of yarn and blogging.
I came to the realization that, while the yarn business in taking off for me, my social life is on life support. Once someone figures out how to work for yourself and have friends, please contact me. I'll be giddy over the contact at least. I finished the dolls and wanted to reach out to someone, but I seem to be the only one at home this afternoon. So here I am, pouring little bits of my heart out, hoping I'll find my motivation again before I run out of things to say.
Enough whining, let's make some hats! Grab a hook and come on over.
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